<aside> 💡 How to use this template Copy this page and update the names and goals (marked with square brackets). In a one-to-one, go through each section with your line report, making notes and recording any actions at the bottom of the page. When the meeting is done, tidy the notes and actions and ensure they are shared with your report. Ensure your report has visibility of any actions you’re working on for them.


🎭 Check-In

How are you doing today? What’s currently on your mind?


💼 Project Check-In

How is the project going? Is there anything that I can help with?


🎯 Goals

Current Goals

  1. [Example goal]
  2. [Example goal]
  3. [Example goal]

How are your goals going right now? Have you managed to make any progress on them? Is there anything I can do to help?


💡 Feedback for [Report]
